So here I am getting all ramped up for one of my birthdays. I'm with my cousin Jeremy and some kid on the left that looks like Luke Skywalker. Nice bowl-cut there Luke!
I see that in this one I'm opening another one of my fantastic gifts from many wonderful people. I notice also that I have already buckled on my "John Wayne Limited Edition" holster and six gun pop gun set.
From what I can tell this kid is hating on me because I've just received a sweet red cowboy hat in a "Keds" shoe box. What size were the shoes in that box?
Taking a quick look at all the stuff I got - Hot Wheels, Lincoln Logs, a blanket, some paper plates and a half drank bottle of 7up. Nice.
Now that I can see I've gotten all my stuff, the thing I notice about this pic is my cousin Jeremy. He's wearing a pair of pants with a buckle on the right, oh I don't know, groan area. Those are terrible looking.
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