Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The 23 Most Kick Ass Atari Games Ever

#23 Bowling
The graphics were terrible, but, the game was addictive.

#22 Yar's Revenge

I never figured out who Yar was, or why he wanted revenge, but the game was cool.

#21 Real Sports Tennis

A great sports game. You could battle all day with this one.

#20 Joust
My friends loved this game, I thought it was alright, not the best.

#19 Basketball

Sure, your teammates were square and so was the ball, but it was basketball!

#18 Space Combat

The "space" version of the ground assault classic "Combat", still a fun game though.

#17 Real Sports Baseball

Pretty sweet graphics and slick play for such an old game.

#16 Q-Bert

The arcade version of this game is much funner.

#15 Real Sports Football
This game is way better than the regular Atari football. I played this thing all day.

#14 Video Olympics

The onle reason this game is ranked so high, or ranked at all for that matter, is because it had the original "Pong" on it. It was the only way you could play "Pong" on the Atari. Pretty sweet.

#13 Berzerk

I never could figure this game out. Very tough. Out of respect I gave it a nice ranking.

#12 Galaxian

This is the midway point of the rankings and I put this game here because it was great. Many would say this mug deserves a higher rank, but I don't agree, and it's my Top 23 !

#11 Frogger

This game is fantastic! Way better than that one called "Freeway" , which was the same, just without the kick ass frog. Many hours were wasted on this game.

#10 Space Invaders
This game was so awesome! When the aliens were coming down the screen they sounded like a Metallica song real slow. I should've ranked this game higher, man I loved it.

#9 Missle Command

Maybe a little overrated, but , I just killed this game. Thats probably it. I rank it because I was the "Missle Command" Champion!!!

#8 Moon Patrol

No one would put this game this high. No one. But this game holds a special place in my heart. It was one of the fist games I ever got and I didn't like it at first. I came around though and it probably was the reason I struggled through 5th grade!

#7 Donkey Kong

Best game name ever. My dad almost got me the sit-down arcade version, you know, the one with two sides that you could sit at. Our next door neighbor owned a pawn shop with his brother and he had the thing at his house. How bad ass would it've been to have an arcade machine in your room? Thats some rich-kid-in-a-movie stuff. My dad bought a set of tires from him instead. Damn!

#6 Centipede

I played this game with my friend Mark growing up. It was at his house because at the time I didn't have an Atari. So he had homefield advantage and would always beat my ass. He practiced when I wasn't there though. I know he did!

#5 Pole Position
This game was killer, literally, I mean could you keep the car on the road? This game was so fast. I remember the first time I played (crashed) it, I thought, man these graphics are the like the best ever. Of course the arcade version where you could sit down and use a steering wheel and gas pedal was a lot cooler, but still. Don't get me started on "Pole Position II", the game was impossible!

#4 Asteroids

The simplist graphics. The simplist concept. The simplist game to play. An Atari classic. I loved this game so much I had two different hand-held versions of this game growing up.

#3 Combat

This was tough. This game could've been #2 in the overall rankings easy. Me and all my buddies, back on Fern Street, at Mike Fisher's house, would play this game untill our thumbs fell off. (To this day I only have finger prints on my left thumb.) Being the "Combat" Champion, which I never was, became the only thing any of us wanted to be. We played this game so much that I can't remember an entire year of my life. I'm sure I did some cool stuff that year, but, all I can remember is playing this game...thats pretty sad and awesome at the same time!

#2 Pac-Man

The legend that is Pac-Man. I wonder how many guys didn't lose their virginity because of this game untill they were like 30! This is almost eveyones' #1. A lot of people even think "Ms. Pac-Man" is the greatest Atari game. Not me. I will say this, "Ms. Pac-Man" was closer to the arcade version of "Pac-Man" and the mazes were a little better. I really loved this game though, but , I wasn't the best at it. My buddy Mark's mom was the best at this game. I never saw anyone before or since go as far as she could on it. Nothing but respect for Mark's mom.

#1 Galaga

My favorite video game ever. Period! I don't mean favorite Atari game, no, I mean favorite video game ever. Anywhere. Any game system. All-Time Favorite!!! Both the Atari and arcade versions of this amazing game are the most addictive thing I've ever done in my life. It's visual crack you could say. As a kid I honestly thought I could get a "Galaga" scholarship to like Wichita State. I did, I really did! Thats why I played it so much, I just wanted to go to college. Later in life I realized it was the reason I didn't (couldn't) go to college. I couldn't even use my "Galaga" skills to get into Junior College! Hey, maybe I did sacrifice my future and the future of my children because of this game...I hope they forgive me.

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