Now this game will piss you off. I mean really piss you off. The game came in that tacky gold cartridge and just reeked of "Look how special I am!" The game pissed me off. I never owned it. I never beat it. Now that I think about it...I hate this piece of crap game and now I'm getting mad just thinking about it. Respect.
This game was awesome. I never knew that the main character was a girl when I first started playing it, but it was cool. Fun, fun game to play, until the end. At the end it just ended and started over. Are you serious? I'm not expecting a bj or anything, but nothing. Really? I heard that if you went through it again after beating it that it was tougher. Well, yeah, tougher because by then you knew the ending would suck again!
I didn't like the original Castlevania, this Pt. II was much better. I never finished the game though. I wish I had. I can't remember why I didn't because I loved the game.
This is the first game I ever played on the NES at my uncle Danny's house. Nintendo was brand new and he bought one. I was amazed. All my little brain could comprehend was Atari. The NES was like dating a hot senior when you were a freshman. The jump up from Atari in graphics was astounding (for the record I still think the Atari 7800 is overall funner than the NES). So this game holds a special place in my heart. That's why I rank it so high.
This game is still my favorite baseball game to play overall. For me it stacks up against all the current game systems and game titles. That's how much I love this game. I could hit home runs in my sleep with this game. I don't think I've ever been beat by anyone ever on this game.
First you were on the Minor Circuit fighting Glass Joe, then Von Kaiser and next Piston Honda. Once you defeated the Minor you stepped up to the Major Circuit where you faced the likes of Don Flamenco, King Hippo, Great Tiger and then the bad ass Bald Bull. If you got past that gauntlet you entered the World Circuit and had to battle a pissed off Piston Honda in a rematch, Soda Popinski a Russian bad ass, a much improved Bald Bull again, then you had to fight Don Flamenco who now had a completely different fighting style, next came Mr. Sandman and finally Super Macho Man to finish up the World Circuit. If you could get through all that you would get the chance fight Tyson. It was impossible. I personally don't know anyone who ever beat Iron Mike. If so, email me at brnptty@yahoo.com and try to convince me you did!
Hitting a three-pointer in this game was like sex for the first time. You just nailed it. Plus the black and white slam dunks were kick ass!!! I loved this game and played it to the point where I hyperventilated blowing into the end of it to get it to work. I almost died. I would still be blowing into that thing, the NES itself, pushing the game in tighter and restarting it a thousand times to this day if the Sega Genesis hadn't come out and made me put the NES down.
First I'll nitpick a little before I go on and on about how awesome this game is. First, there were a couple of plays (and we all know which ones) that were unstoppable, even if you chose that play while on defense. The only other thing is that the Super NES version (Tecmo Super Bowl) looked the same but was a little faster and way better. But this isn't a list of Super NES and I'm not here to knock the legend that is Tecmo Bowl. This is the funnest video game I've ever played. It's not the best video game I've ever played, it's the funnest. The reason is because every time I play it I go back in time and I feel like I did in Junior High. It's nostalgia. It's classic. God bless things that make you time warp back to a place in your life when you didn't have bills, kids, wives, responsibilities man! Some people have a song, a movie, or a book that transports them back in time. That's great. Good for you! I have Tecmo Bowl and that's all I need.
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