Monday, July 6, 2009

The "Ultimate VHS Tape Tournament of Champions" 1980!

Welcome to the "Ultimate VHS Tape Tournament of Champions" 1980! Today we pit eight of the greatest movies from 1980 on VHS tape against one another and see which vcr movie is the greatest vcr movie of 1980. Our #1 Seed is The Empire Strikes Back vs. #8 Used Cars, #2 Seed Airplane! will do battle with #7 Friday the 13th, the #3 Caddyshack vs. #6 Mad Max should be brutal and you don't want to miss #4 Raging Bull vs. #5 The Shining, Robert against Jack in an all out slug fest. It should be amazing! So lets pop the first two tapes in, hope they're rewound and let the "Ultimate VHS Tape Tournament of Champions" 1980! begin...
Round 1!
#1 Raging Bull
#8 Friday the 13th

"In an all out bloodbath, the likes of which we have never seen, Robert DeNiro was able to outlast Jason's mom and win this tough first round battle, allowing Raging Bull to advance to the semi-finals."

#2 Airplane!
#7 Used Cars
"In the battle of the ridiculous (Airplane!) vs the Russell (Kurt), it was a close one packed with one-liners galore, but, the movie with the all-star cast and Lew Alcindor prevails.

#3 Caddyshack
#6 Mad Max
"Due to Gibson's lack of grasp of the English language Mad Max had almost zero shot at defeating one of the greatest movies about golf named Caddyshack."

#4 The Empire Strikes Back
#5 The Shining
"Stanley Kubrick is the man, Jack Nicholson is insane and those twins were ultra creepy but you can't expect The Shining to possibly defeat the greatest Star Wars movie ever."

Round 2!

#2 Airplane!
#1 Raging Bull
"In a 12th round TKO, Leslie Nielson makes Joe Pesci his bitch and shirley he wasn't joking."

#3 Caddyshack
#4 The Empire Strikes Back

"In the closest battle of the tournament Luke's father can't muster up the strength to beat Bill's gophers. It was close though."

Round 3!
The Finals!

#2 Airplane
#3 Caddyshack
"The two greatest movies of 1980 and both are comedies. Because the tournament can't end in a tie I had to decide between these champions. I love Fletch's swing and I too would've bet the kid was gonna eat that booger, but, I can't go against one of the best acted, best directed, best scored movies of all-time."

The "Ultimate VHS Tape Tournament of Champions"
1980 Champion...

#2 Airplane!

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