Friday, July 17, 2009

Brian's Best 3 of the Week 7/19-7/25

1. Television
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Three quotes, from my three favorite episodes, in the last three seasons (theres been four total) of this incredibly funny show on FX. The fifth season starts in September, so I'm getting my Sunny fix on dvd. If you haven't seen this show it!

Quote from "Charlie Gets Crippled" Season 2
Charlie: [in a wheelchair and army vet attire] This costume, the chicks is gonna go crazy all over it.
Frank: Maybe you should let me do all the talking.
Charlie: No, it's like shooting fish in a barrel. So watch and learn.
Stripper: Awww, look at you sweetie, what happened?
Charlie: [shouting] Viet-goddamn-nam, that's what happened! Go get me a beer, bitch!

Quote from "The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby" Season 3
Tanning Employee: You want to put your baby into a tanning bed?
Mac: We just want to put him in there for a couple of minutes.
Dee: Just to get a base.
Mac: [exaggerated] Just to get a base.

Quote From "The Nightman Cometh" Season 4
Mac: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Charlie. Hang on a second. I mean the first half of that song was kind of cool, but what's with the second half?
Charlie: It's about the Night Man, like, you know, like filling me up, and I become him, I become the spirit of the Night Man.
Mac: But it sounds like a song where a man breaks into your house and rapes you.

2. Music
Wale (pronounced wah-lay)
Mixtape About Nothing

You may have heard this guy's single on the radio, "Chillin" featuring Lady Gaga, from his forthcoming debut record Attention:Deficit due out September 22nd. I first heard this Washiington, DC native a few months ago when I was scanning the Internets for some underground rap. Mixtape About Nothing has a Seinfeld tv show theme, using the sitcom's theme song as the background to Wale's vocals and rapping about some the show's characters. Very inventive and a nice change of pace from the bling, bling shoot 'em up rap now a days. Wale has received Jay Z' blessing (comparable to Bill Clinton endorsing your presidential campaign) and already has a hot song with the hottest artist in radio right now (Lady Gaga). Attention:Deficit is said to be Outkastish in sound and that suits me just fine. But, until then I suggest you get to know this guy from his tremendous mixtape. You can get a free download of Mixtape About Nothing on Wale's offical site, or just Google it, and enjoy.

3. Food
TJ's Burger House
1003 W Douglas Ave
Wichita, KS 67213
(316) 269-3770

So I'm hangin' with my pops, at The Pumphouse in Old Town, watching the All-Star game and I come across a local Wichita magazine talking about the best burger in town (by the way, Pumphouse' burger was nice too). The mag's pick was Bomber Burger, a local dive that has received even the Wichita Eagle's (newspaper) endorsement as the best in town. I looked Bomber Burger up on the Internets and got several reviews on the place that all sounded the same: Huge burgers, huge hand cut fries, @$$hole owner (Chris Rickard) who has a big mouth and the place is a dump. Sounds like just the place to get a great burger if you ask me. Now I will say I've never been to Bomber Burger (I will this week) so I don't have a handle on the place's burger prowess. There used to be this p.o.s. looking burger joint on the corner of 29th and north Broadway, called The Burger Station, that I thought was the best burger in town. I'm guessing Bomber Burger makes the defunct Burger Station look like the Taj Mahal. The place was a true hole. But it's closed, so I had to look for the best burger in town and it happen to be in my old backyard as a kid. TJ's Burger House at Douglas and Seneca is hands down my favorite burger in the land. I ordered the double bacon cheese burger with grilled onions, full order of fresh cut fries and the best root beer this side of NU Way in a tall icy mug. It was a lot of food. Don't worry, I handled it, but it was a lot. What a great burger. The seasoning was excellent and it was grilled to perfection. The place is very good sized, so theres plenty of room, even at the lunchtime rush. I'm gonna give Bomber Burger a try, but, they better have their game face on to defeat the greatness that is TJ's.

1 comment:

Faye said...

I've heard good good things about TJ's, but have yet to go. And Bomber Burger is just that from what I understand. I hear that the things it does to your guts the following day is relatable to some sort of 'bomb'. Good luck!