Sunday, April 13, 2008

When Stuffed Animals Attack


(File no. 07b23a05p - Case no. 69Z - image 1A - edit)
Victim is in some sort of clearing in what seems to be the eastern portion of the Dillsboro State Park. The unidentified child, age unknown, sex unknown (diaper blocking view), race unknown is unaware of the stuffed animal danger all around. The animals have been identified as Hippo aka "Fat Mike", Froggy aka "F Daddy" (leader), Frogette aka "Mrs. Froggy", Sheep aka "Wool Nasty", "the Hurricane", "Black" or "Big Black" and Bunny aka "Fluff the Magic Dragon" or "Craig". The group are known as S.A.W.A. (Stuffed Animals With Attitude) and have been linked to several stuffed animal maulings in the surrounding areas.

(File no. 07b23a05p - Cas no. 69Z - image 2A - edit)
From this image CSI have determined the child has been startled by the gang's movement. Hippo's heavy breathing, due to his weight and asthma, are what CSI believes first awoke the baby prey. The kicking of the right leg seems to be a feeble defense mechanism and clearly doesn't deter the stuffed animals from their goal.

(File no. 07b23a05p - Case no. 69Z - image 3B - edit 2)
The Dillsboro Sheriff Dept. officers determined after interviewing more than two or three campers in the area that Froggy was heard taunting the child. In this image you can clearly see the baby draw it's attention towards Froggy and increase the leg kicking defense with a mix of arm movement.

(File no. 07b23a05p - Case no. 69Z - image 4 - edit b)
Dillsboro National Park Ranger I.P. Freely notices from image 4 that Fluffy makes the initial contact while the baby is responding to Froggy's apparent taunting. The immobilizing of the child's leg and subsequent stopping of the leg defense will allowed the gang to more easily attack the youngster and reach it's overall goal.

(File no. 07b23a05p - Case no. 69Z - image 6a - edit)
This image has captured the gang's full contact with the victim. Froggy has already slobbered on the baby's face and Frogette has the left arm in her ring trap. Hippo is clearly seen weezing in the victim's ear, while Bunny and Sheep attack the lower body. The end is near.

(File no. 07b23a05p - Case no. 69Z - image 6b - edit 2.0)
The horror that the hiker capturing these brutal images must have went through. Peter Gozinya, CSI Lead Detective, described the crime scene as, "...ridiculous..." and that, "...he's never seen anything like it." This is apparently S.A.W.A. protocol. The gang quickly overpowers their victims with stuffed animal cuteness and laser focus that few have ever lived to see. (Side Note: The hiker who's camera these images were extracted from was found just a few kilometers from this scene.) If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of the S.A.W.A. gang or any information concerning this or any other case involving these ruthless animals. Please contact the Dillsboro, N.C. Police Dept. at 1-800-516-3143.

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