Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Return of the Awesomeness

I haven't posted a blog since July 2009? Wow. What a monumental slack job. For those of you who care (dad), I've decided that the world should experience the awesomeness that is Perpetually Recovering from the Night Before again. I'm sure in my absence I haven't improved as a writer and I'm pretty sure that I'm even less creative than when I first started this blog. 

As a matter of fact, does anyone even know why I started the blog? First it was just going to be a hub to post (Polaroid) pictures that my daughter Bella and I would take periodically while we were out. Then Polaroid decided to stop making their instant film. I can't tell you how upset I was at this. Polaroids are, to me, the most beautiful way to capture anything on film. Fuji quickly developed a camera that makes instant (credit card sized) pictures, but I cant' bring myself to go that rout. So the blog evolved into a bunch of my thoughts, my favorites, my lists and so on.

Since I've been gone my wife and I have celebrated six years of marriage and had our third (my fifth!) child, Otis Reese Petty. My oldest son Tyler started high school, his younger brother Adrian started middle school and Bella started kindergarten. Our 22 month old Garrison has decided recently, and without asking his mother or me, that the "terrible twos" needed to start a couple of months early. He has proceeded to use his substantial bulk to throw impressive tantrums and do pretty much whatever he wants. Good times. 

Also, I changed jobs after several years of direct store delivery route sales, and became a private label food broker for the world's largest corporate brand brokerage company. Fancy. Don't worry. I still continue to model men's plus size swim wear on the side ladies.

So I'm gonna try this again. I won't be reinventing the wheel and I don't even know if I'm gonna wanna do this long term, but, I'm gonna give it a go and see what happens. I wanna thank my father for caring about this blog so much and my old friend Tony who has started a blog of his own and got my juices flowing again. Thanks guys.


Cindy Gile said...

I'm so glad to see you doing this again, Brian. Always thought you should have been a writer. Much love from your mom.

Mom in Limbo said...

I appreciate your awesomeness!