Saturday, April 26, 2008

List of the NFL Helmets Worst to First

#32 Carolina Panthers

This is the worst logo on a helmet ever. I can't stand the color scheme and I can't tolerate the cartoonish panther. Ugly.

#31 Baltimore Ravens

Beleive it or not this helmet is better than the original Ravens helmet. The original had a sheild looking logo with some Harry Potter looking insignia. Terrible. Now they just have an ugly bird with a "B" in the midle of it.

#30 Atlanta Falcons

I'm a big fan of older looking helmets. Classic helmets. I liked the old Falcons helmets that were red. Those were nice. These black ones suck. Also, I refuse to accept the falcon logo. I just can't.

#29 Jacksonville Jaguars

Have you ever seen the original Jaguar helmet? The one they showed the public like a year before the expansion team's existence. It was horrible. The helmet was silver with what looked just like the jaguar from the Jaguar car company logo on the side. These aren't much better. Everyone keeps going with black. Why?

#28 Buffalo Bills

The Bills old helmet that were white with the red buffalo in the middle is my favorite helmet ever. If they went back to those helmets and the sweet blue jerseys this would be my favorite by far. When the Bills wear the throwbacks I love it! But, unfortunately these are the offical helmets and they're crap.

#27 Seattle Seahawks

The helmets aren't that bad. It's the colors that just kill this lid. I sorta liked the old Seahawk helmets. Same logo just a cooler silver, blue and green. Oh, and don't get me started on the splashes of neon green in the uniforms.

#26 New England Patriots

I like the colors and I even like the logo a little bit, but, I hate the team. Plus I like the old patriot with the football in a hiking positon logo. It was kinda cheesey but in a cool way. The old pastelish pink and blue with the white color scheme was dope.

#25 Denver Broncos

My favorite team. The Broncos. I still can't get used to these helmets and uniforms. I miss the electric blue helmets with the big "D" and dancing horse on the side. Those orange crush jerseys and Elway running around rifling footballs all over Mile High...I want the old uniforms and helmets back Bolen!!!

#24 New Orleans Saints

I've never liked the team and hate it when they wear the all black unifroms but I like the helmets. I like the logo. The white outline against the black and gold is unique in the league. Reggie Bush makes this helmet seem cooler, too!

#23 Tennessee Titans

I thought it was cool they kept the old Oilers colors but updated the look and logo when they went to Tennessee and became the Titans. I love white helmets and I really like this logo.

#22 San Francisco 49ers

I would rank this helmet higher if they hadn't thrown black into the mix. The logo and hemet it's self is the same they just added the black. Just like the Saints I like the gold and this is a classic helmet just lose the black touches.

#21 Tampa Bay Buccaneers

I'll admit it I was a fan of the Bucs powder orange and white gear and the gay sailor logo. I really was! But, I have to admit, these helmets with the killer grey and red sail logo are nice. They have a strong feel without going the with black colors like everyone else.

#20 Detroit Lions

This helmet will become more popular when all that young talent starts to win. This is also the only helmet I like where a franchise added black (around the lion and the face mask) that I don't mind.

#19 Dallas Cowboys

If I didn't dislike the cowgirls so much I would rank this helmet higher. I totally respect the history of the franchise and understand the "America's Team" moniker, I just don't like the team. Classic helmet though.

#18 Indianapolis Colts

The Colts helmet moved up when they changed the face mask back to the vintage grey from the Colt blue.

#17 Kansas City Chiefs

I like this logo. It makes me think of Hank Stram calling 65-toss-power-trap in Super Bowl III. I wish the red were deeper and richer. On the field, with the team's all-white uniforms, the helmets look Dollar Store cheap.

#16 St. Louis Rams

Rams would be higher if they were still the LA Rams colors. They go and win a Super Bowl and the next year change the colors. That's why the Patriots beat them in the next Bowl. I love the ram horns though.

#15 Cincinnati Bengals
The Bengals uni's are horrible. Just the worst. But, for some reason, I've always liked the helmets. The Bengal stripes are cool.

#14 Houston Texans

I love this logo. The original helmets were white with the same logo but owners thought they would too closely resemble the Texas Longhorns' helmet. Too bad. I think this could my favorite helmet had they stayed white.

#13 Arizona Cardinals

Cool cardinal logo, check. White helmet, check. Classic grey face mask, check. Larry Fitzgerald makes this a cool helmet. When they trade him (and they will) the helmet loses cool points immediately.

#12 Philadelphia Eagles

The Randall Cunningham era helmet is better. I don't love the black trim (again) but I can live with the deeper green. What I love is the eagle wings. Fantastic. Also, Vick makes this helmet look cooler than McNabb did.

#11 Washington Redskins

I see this helmet and I think about Doug Williams dissecting the Broncos in Super Bowl XXII. Ouch! But I love the logo, I love the deep colors (are you listening Chiefs?) and the franchise has history. Not top ten but great helmet anyways.

#10 Pittsburgh Steelers
One side of this helmet looks cool (as shown) the other doesn't. That's what makes this helmet top ten. The logo is only on one side. Pimpish. I'm not a Steeler fan, but, this helmet looks like it alone could kick your ass. Respect.

#9 Cleveland Browns

For me older is better. Just like college football helmets (Alabama, Penn State, Notre Dame, etc.) I have a thing for classic helmets that don't change over the years. Simple. That's why I really like this helmet.

#8 New York Giants

Once the Giants went back to the vintage helmet it became one of my favorites. Sure, the helmet with the generic GIANTS logo had LT, the Tuna and Simms but they were ugly. These are nice.

#7 Oakland Raiders

Tradition is tradition. The silver and black of the Raiders is legend both good and bad. Couple these with the black top uniforms and this is a beautiful look. This must be a great helmet because I hate the Raiders.

#6 San Diego Chargers

Love this helmet. White with the lightning bolt logo. Love it. Maybe it's because I see this helmet and think powder blue jerseys.

#5 New York Jets
Another New York franchise that had a generic logo (Jets was actually worse than GIANTS) and decided to retro. Why would you not go back to the days of Namath rocking the all-white cleats and sporting a mink?

#4 Minnesota Vikings

Best team name. Great color scheme. Tradition. And Purple Jesus (Adrian Peterson) running like a mad man in this helmet is awesome. Throw in when they switch to grey face mask in the throwbacks and they get even better.

#3 Chicago Bears

Are they black? Are they dark, dark blue? What the hell are they? Whatever they are; they're awesome.

#2 Green Bay Packers

Fantastic helmet. I love the colors and the legendary "G" logo. When the Bears play the Packers I have to say that is the best looking game in any sport. I associate kick ass stuff visually and those two teams from head-to-toe are the coolest looking teams in the NFL. With the coolest looking helmets.

#1 Miami Dolphins

The helmet is beautiful. Just gorgeous. The aqua and coral dolphin logo combination with the bright white helmet is by far my favorite. Now the logo isn't my favorite, but, the dolphin jumping through the outline of the sun in those colors is the best. Also, I don't really like the uniforms. Other teams (Raiders, Chargers, Bears, Packers) get help from their uniforms. Those other team's helmets look so perfect coupled with their respective jerseys that their helmets look better (to me). The Dolphins don't. That's why it's the best helmet. Because standing on it's own, without help, it's just perfect.

I Love Monopoly

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The 25 Greatest Tabletop Video Games

#25 Galaxy Twin Vader

#24 Tennis

#23 Space Battle

#22 Great Escape

#21 Super Crobra

#20 StarForce

#19 Cosmic 2000 Fire Away

#18 Super Galaxy Invader

#17 Lupin

#16 Caveman

#15 Stargate

#14 Cosmic Scramble

#13 Donkey Kong Jr.

#12 Pac-Man

#11 Ms. Pac-Man

#10 Donkey Kong

#9 Zaxxon

#8 Hockey

#7 Galaxan

#6 Head 2 Head Hockey

#5 The Big Game Football

#4 Frogger

#3 Classic Baseball


#1 Classic Football 2